
Post Training in the Eccentrics

Eccentric training improves proprioception, or the sharpness of the central nervous system, which is essential for functional independence.

Challenges After PT

When people go to physical therapy (PT) following an injury or surgery, they often experience an uncomfortable post-therapy lull in which they still lack the necessary strength to return to everyday tasks or an independent fitness routine with as much confidence and vigor as before. They may also be dealing with a strength imbalance that can cause compensations in surrounding muscles or joints. A knee injury, for example (as shown above), also affects the surrounding muscles – the glutes, quad, hamstring, and calve – and all other ancillary joints, tendons, and ligaments creating a strength imbalance.

With its focus on building strength through eccentric training, ALL-IN-15 is an ideal solution for those experiencing a lull or a strength imbalance because we can gently and gradually strengthen areas affected by surgery or injury. As one of the first companies to safely bring eccentric training to the mainstream, ALL-IN-15 can help post-PT clients balance areas of weakness and restore the necessary mobility to regain independence without the fear of re-injury.  

Benefits of Eccentric Training

The primary advantage of eccentric training for post-PT clients is its ability to strengthen tendons and ligaments. Both connective tissues stabilize joints and bones; maintaining them is critical to preventing injury or re-injury of an already weak area. With ALL-IN-15’s cutting-edge technology, we can acutely control the resistance or load our clients work against with every repetition. A heavier load helps bolster the resilience of tendons and ligaments, reducing the risk of a new or previous injury. Research shows eccentric training also effectively treats tendinopathies, a tendon disorder most common in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle that causes pain, swelling, and reduced function. Eccentric training decreases pain and increases function in areas with this condition.  

Another benefit of eccentric training for post-PT clients is it’s proven to enhance muscle strength and size, which is critical to rebounding after an injury. Concentric contractions (muscle shortening) only target the center of the muscle; research shows eccentric training targets the whole muscle length. Eccentric contractions only occur under a heavy load, leading to increased muscle hypertrophy and more functional strength and power. This is especially important for individuals who may have experienced muscle atrophy or weakness due to injury, illness, or surgery.    

Further, training eccentrically improves joint stability and reduces the risk of falls. Strengthening the muscles surrounding a joint helps stabilize the joint, prevent hyperextension, and limit stress on ligaments and tendons. Following injury or surgery, people are at a higher risk of being put in compromised positions due to the central nervous system’s (CNS) ability to shut off signals to an injured area to manage pain. This makes eccentrics even more critical to post-op individuals or those with outstanding injuries to re-establish CNS connection to specific muscle groups.


Eccentric training improves proprioception, or the sharpness of the central nervous system, which is essential for functional independence. The brain is trained to re-establish and exert more control over the injured areas by re-establishing a connection to the CNS. This is exceptionally important following surgery, as the brain needs to connect to the injured area to restore overall functionality and wellness. It is equally essential to keep the CNS sharp through consistent eccentric training to maximize muscle control, which helps improve power, balance, and stability.  

For those coming out of physical therapy, ALL-IN-15 offers an effective and efficient way to accelerate recovery and safely restore overall function. Post-PT clients can quickly regain their pre-injury independence and functionality by strengthening tendons, ligaments, and muscles, improving joint stability, and enhancing balance and coordination.

At ALL-IN-15, we take pride in being one of the first companies to bring eccentrics safely to the market. Our knowledgeable trainers and cutting-edge technology allow our clients of all ages and physical abilities to reap the benefits of eccentric training, even those graduating from PT.

While eccentrics can be dangerous in a free-weight environment, ALL-IN-15 provides the safest way to train eccentrically. If you are interested in learning more, visit one of our locations today.